SAR-Sverige: Lansering av årets Free to Think rapport
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SAR-Sverige anordnar ett webbinarium för att uppmärksamma lanseringen av Free to Think 2024.
SAR-Sverige anordnar ett webbinarium för att uppmärksamma lanseringen av Free to Think 2024.
Experts from Scholars at Risk (SAR) and Varieties of Democracy Institute (V-Dem) share insights from recent reports, providing an overview of the status of Academic Freedom worldwide.
SAR publishes an annual Free to Think report analyzing attacks on academic freedom around the world. This year's report covers 391 attacks across 51 countries and territories. It includes concrete actions intergovernmental bodies and states can take to defend academic freedom, including endorsing and implementing protections for their scholars and students based on the Principles for Implementing the Right to Academic Freedom.
V-Dem produces the largest global dataset on democracy with over 31 million data points for 202 countries from 1789 to 2023. V-Dem publishes an annual Democracy Report and shares key data for the Academic Freedom Index. This year’s Democracy Report shows that autocratization continues to be the dominant trend.